Dedicated Common Sense Leader for Indiana State Representative in West Lafayette

Dedicated Common Sense Leader for Indiana State Representative in West Lafayette
Jim Schenke for Indiana State Representative, District 26, is a determined and passionate advocate for the people of West Lafayette. As a Common Sense Conservative, Jim is committed to addressing the pressing issues facing the community, including the existential threat posed by the LEAP pipeline, which threatens to drain billions of gallons of precious freshwater each month. Jim’s decades of experience in government, politics, journalism, and public affairs uniquely position him to fight for the rights and resources of Tippecanoe County residents.
Jim Schenke is not just a candidate; he is a ferociously protective parent and ardent defender of his community. He provides strong, principled leadership that prioritizes the well-being of children, the integrity of the local environment, and the overall safety of West Lafayette. With a background that includes significant roles at Purdue University, the United States Army, and various media outlets, Jim brings a wealth of experience and a proven track record of advocacy to his campaign.
Residents of West Lafayette and Tippecanoe County can trust Jim Schenke to represent their interests with unwavering dedication. Together, we can ensure a brighter future for our community by electing a leader who cannot be bought, bullied, or bamboozled.