
Jim is an educator fighting the state's attempt to destroy our excellent local high school education

Starting with the class of 2029, Indiana plans to remove the honors diploma and gut the curriculum in the basic diploma so badly that a student can graduate from high school with good grades and be ineligible to even apply for Purdue, IU, Ball State, etc much les…

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Antisemitism is unAmerican

One of the most tragic things I've learned while meeting thousands of West Lafayette residents this year is that our Jewish neighbors, friends, and classmates have been suffering hate, threats, and discrimination, in large part because the recent resurfacing of th…

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Fentanyl kills our kids while our state Rep. Chris Campbell protects the traffickers

Fentanyl is pouring across our open borders. Overdoses on this extremely dangerous artificial opioid have doubled in the past five years, surpassing 100,000 per year nationwide, including over 1,000 here in Indiana. Most of the victims are young and most don't kno…

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Chris Campbell was clueless about the pipeline that would suck us dry

I wish Boone County success in its effort to create an advanced manufacturing park (LEAP). But the state had no business spending almost half a billion TAX dollars to buy 9,000 acres of land, rebuild I-65, install infrastructure, etc when it knew that Boone C…

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Jim will fight to cut skyrocketing property tax

Some Tippecanoe County voters are reporting a property tax increase as high as 28% over the past two years. That’s just one more significant burden for homeowners during an era when EVERYTHING seems to be skyrocketing in price. It’s particularly burdensome if you …

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Housing should be affordable

Affordable Housing

For decades West Lafayette and Tippecanoe housing costs grew slowly and predictably, usually in sync with modest inflation. But in recent years local housing costs have significantly outpaced even rampant, record Biden-era inflation. To reign in…

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Jim is fighting to permanently block the LEAP pipeline that will steal our drinking water
Posted on 6 June, 2024

As the LEAP pipeline project advances, it has become a significant concern for residents of Tippecanoe County. This issue is not just about water; it’s about the future of our community. In this post, we will explore the voices from Tippeca…

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It's going to take all of us to to prevent the LEAP pipeline Water Steal
Posted on 9 June, 2024

The LEAP pipeline poses a significant threat to our community, and it’s up to us to take action. As concerned citizens of West Lafayette, Tippecanoe County, we have a duty to protect our water supply, our environment, and our future. Jim Sc…

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