Jim is an educator fighting the state's attempt to destroy our excellent local high school education

Jim is an educator fighting the state's attempt to destroy our excellent local high school education

Starting with the class of 2029, Indiana plans to remove the honors diploma and gut the curriculum in the basic diploma so badly that a student can graduate from high school with good grades and be ineligible to even apply for Purdue, IU, Ball State, etc much less competitive or elite schools elsewhere. Somehow, the state thinks that it has done its job if a kid completes Algebra 1, doesn’t learn civilizations other than ours, and doesn’t even attempt to learn another language.

Not every kid should go to college. But they should be properly prepared to make the choice that’s right for THEM! America has been a land of opportunity in no small part because it does not follow the European “tracking” model that diverts kids away from college when they are too young.
I’ve pushed back on the state school board as a dad. But I’m also an educator, of which there are too few in the state house. And it’s exactly who West Lafayette, home of two of the state’s top high schools and one of the nation’s top universities, needs fighting for our kids not to be educationally disadvantaged and prevented from pursuing their dreams.

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